Tuesday 23 November 2010

Group ideas

  • A mentally ill police man commits a murders subconciously and then investigates the case, only to discover it was himself who commited the crime, he then tries to pin the murder on a fellow police man, unsuccesfully. We thought this idea may be very difficult to achive, aquiring police uniforms, police locations and fitting enough information into the short clip we thought would be difficult to do. This idea was put forward by me and our group helped develop it. It uses alot of Thriller conventions.
  •  A school is training children to kill, we extended this idea further thinking about hypnosis from items such as school bells or school screensavers, we also thought of the teachers bieng in control of the pupils using the school bell. This idea is much more approprite, locations, props and costume would be very easy to aquire and there are lots of conventions which could be challenged with this idea. This idea was put forward by Adam Holland and the group developed it to this stage.
  • Tom Fisher came up with the idea of having a Tree which could spread its roots throught the ground, breaking through the surface and taking people, this idea develops and challenges alot of thriller conventions but with no access to specialist special efects we doubted this film would look proffesionall enough or believable. Our group discussed these points to develop the idea further.
  • Sam Clarke put the idea forward behind a film about a hanging incident, the effects and make up are possible for this idea but no one in or group could think of a believable story line to fit this idea into but it was a very good approach from sam as it challenged a lot of thriller conventions.

Out of these four ideas, our group came to the conclusion of using idea 2, we felt it was the easiest to produce but could be done to the most professional standard aswell. In my next post we discussed the conventions this film could use, develop and challenge and later we will present the idea to our peers to gather feedback and help improve our idea.

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