Wednesday 24 November 2010

Class pitch with feedback

We prepared a pitch for our idea and presented it to the class to see what they thought of our idea.
Their opinions will help us to predict how well our film will be received as they are within the planned target audience.
here is their feedback.

From the start until 2:40 is our pitch for our idea and after that is the feedback.
At 2:40 right after our pitch josh raises a concern that it might not actually be a thriller, we were already aware of the fact that if we arent carefull it could start to leak into a completly different genre but we are confident that we carefull thought and good planning we can prevent this from happening and keep the film on thriller grounds.At 4:40 sam asks if we think we will actually be able to fit it into 2 minutes, again we think with carefull planning there will be no problem with fitting it in. At 5:40 Rob suggests ways for us to use sound in the film to enhance the film, the sound will be smething we think carefully about because it does have a big effect on a scene so thinking carefully about the choices of sound we use will make abig difference. at 6:30 matt gives the idea of having the nqt have a quick conversation with the headteacher in a corridor this is similar to what we had first planned but we originally planned to have the nqt talk to another teacher were as having her speak to the headmaster will kill two birds with one stone and help to introduce the two characters faster. At 9:00 mr hood came up with a good idea of repeating the bell ringing but with 2 different sounds and showing the two different reactions to it, this is a good idea that we are thinking of adding in. At 10:00 mr hood gives us a list of a few films he thinks we should view to give us ideas on how to show certain conventions in our film. At 10:30 mr hood points out that we will need to make sure there is an age difference between the people playing the teachers and the people playing the students so we will make sure that there is an clear age difference. At 11:50 mr hood suggests using a contrast between black an white and coulor to show the differences between the hypnotised students and the regular students, this is another very good idea that we are looking at adding in. the rest of the recording is mostly either people asking questions to clarify things in there head or people suggesting ideas that are already ideas that we had planned to implement. over all the reception for the idea was good aslong as we think carefully about how we go about showing everything.

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