Tuesday 22 March 2011

Filming diary

Filming diary

Thursday 10th March
Sam and tom began filming the start of the film, I then later joined them after a driving lesson which they were aware i had so had known i was going to be slightly late,when Miss Smith walked down the corridor. Sam and myself tried several different camera angles and shots; filming through windows, low angle shots looking at feet and tracking shots. Whilst Tom directed the actors.Filming was productive getting more filmed than anticipated, because we just wanted to film the corridor and we ended up filming the scene when Mr Jones enter his office.We filmed two takes of everything, so that we had enough footage to edit.
Adam did not attend this shoot.
Monday 14th March 
we all started the filming of the CCTV footage in the classroom, which will be played on the screen of the headmaster’s computer. A small number school students attended, although further recruiting by Adam and tom meant that we had sufficient numbers.However the filming did not go to plan as our "actors" did not act there parts well enough meening a re shoot would be neccesary.

Tuesday 15th March

we all continued  filming even though only 1 student turned up to be filmed along with the actress playing Miss Smith. We filmed several shots with these 2 actresses. We watched the footage back at the location to make sure the quality was of a high standard. .

Tuesday 22nd March (lunch)
Sam and Tom filmed the scene where the students stand up (leaving 4 students still standing, we changed it to 4 becuase we just didn't have the students avalible) and leave the classroom. The 4 students left standing were fantastic at standing still and not moving which had a little bit of fear factor.
I wasn't there becuase I had Forbidden Planet rehearsals and Adam wasn't there either becuase no one could find him to tell him.
Tuesday 22nd March (After school)
We all continued to film the last remaining scenes after school becuase this week we were told by a teacher that some students would like to be in our film and are going to media now, Tom went to fetch these students so that we could complete the filming. Meenwhile myself Adam and Sam filmed the few shots we could do with Miss Smith and the 2 actresses that turned up on the day. Tom later returned after 10 minutes looking for the students that wanted to help us, but they didn't turn up, this meant we could not do any more filming and we caried on editing our film.

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