Monday 28 February 2011

Potential filming issues

This is a list of issues that can come up during filming, this list states the issues and how they will either not affect our shoot or how the issues will be managed.

Costume Changes;
During our film, we have no scheduled costume changes as we are setting the film to be on the same s
school day.
Travelling between Locations
Our filming location has been decided to be filmed within school, so travelling between locations will all within walking distance.
Producing same shot/angle
We are planning to film in order of location, to ensure that we are using the same shooting angle if a duplicated shot is required.
Weather Conditions
We are filming all scene's inside the school, so even though the weather may change this may just be a way of showing time past.
Changes of Natural Light
If there is a drop in natural light, we may possibly use production artificial lighting to compensate for the drop in light to the shoot. If there is a increase in natural light, then filming may have to be halted and timing schedule be changed to allow for this delay, although we can not completely eliminate this problem, as the level of natural light will change from hour to hour.

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