Monday 28 February 2011

Potential filming issues

This is a list of issues that can come up during filming, this list states the issues and how they will either not affect our shoot or how the issues will be managed.

Costume Changes;
During our film, we have no scheduled costume changes as we are setting the film to be on the same s
school day.
Travelling between Locations
Our filming location has been decided to be filmed within school, so travelling between locations will all within walking distance.
Producing same shot/angle
We are planning to film in order of location, to ensure that we are using the same shooting angle if a duplicated shot is required.
Weather Conditions
We are filming all scene's inside the school, so even though the weather may change this may just be a way of showing time past.
Changes of Natural Light
If there is a drop in natural light, we may possibly use production artificial lighting to compensate for the drop in light to the shoot. If there is a increase in natural light, then filming may have to be halted and timing schedule be changed to allow for this delay, although we can not completely eliminate this problem, as the level of natural light will change from hour to hour.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Shooting schedule

This is our shooting schedule that we prepared to organise our filming to ensure that everyone would know who was needed and what props are required for each shot.

Shooting schedule

Tuesday 15 February 2011


After making the story board we turned it into an animatic this helps to give us a better idea of what the end film would be like and to give us an indication of the length of the film.
To create this we imported all of the still frames from our storyboard into final cut.

Sunday 13 February 2011


This is our storyboard this helps to visualise what shots are used and how they will look.
This will be especially useful when setting up the camera at a shoot.
To create this we used Storyboard Quick to construct each frame importing some images were necessary.

Catechize Academy Storyboard

Saturday 12 February 2011

Costume research

Mr Jones

We have looked at a few teachers, researched by ourselves and have asked others members in our media group, what teachers should look like. The overall results were;
Image 1 - Geography / History
Image 2 - Head-teacher / Senior Teacher
Image 3 - Drama.
We can identify that our headteacher (Mr Jones) can fit the describtion of picture two  becuase of this characters smart business clothes with his cufflinks showing and his top button done up. Picture 1 is a young teacher, stylish shirt, loose tie and shirt, showing that he is new to the job and is very relaxed. Where as picture 3 shows a older member of staff in a plain shirt and tie. We can also see the importance of each character because of the way they dress.

Miss Smith

We are going to cast our character, Miss Smith, in line with the photos above. We have researched the pictures from google and have found that common female teachers should wear;

Cut off blouse (simple colours - blue, red, pink and white)
Cut off High Jumper
Black trousers.
High Heeled shoes or stilettos.

Jack Costume
For the general costume for the students, we are going to use the standard GWPAHS uniform;
Jack  - White trainers (reason for detention), Black trousers, White collared shirt, tie and Spiky Hair.
Boys - Black trainers or Shoes, Black Trousers, White Collared Shirt and Tie.
Girls - Black shoes, Black trousers or Skirt and White blouse.

Location research

As our film is based around a plot of a brainwashing headmaster in a school, we have decided to film in Great Wyrley P.A. High School. This decision was made through the ease of accessing the location and the low shooting problems within the school. We have taken images from our location and inserted below.

Here is an image looking down the main corridor of GWPAHS. I am planning to use this corridor to track Miss Smith walking down and meeting Mr Jones. We are able to use several camera angles to produce a good edit.

Here is an image looking down the main corridor of GWPAHS. I am planning to use this corridor to track Miss Smith walking down and meeting Mr Jones. We are able to use several camera angles to produce a good edit.
This is our chosen location outside of Miss Smith's classroom where the two brainwashed block the entrance to Miss Smith's classroom.

Here is an image of Miss Smiths proposed classroom, i have taken a photo from the corner of the classroom where the CCTV effect will be created. We have chose this classroom as it is of a good size and we are able to create the whiteboard opening titles effect along with the door and teachers desk being in a good place. The classroom is also near to the corridor above so it will be easier to film with hopefully less jump cuts.

Here is an image looking up the corridor in which we will use to film the running scene. We have chose this location as we are able to position the cameras in many angles to show a fast paced running when editing. We can film from outside in through the windows and use both the top and bottom of the corridor.

Here i have added an image of the location we will filming the head teacher in his office, and also where Miss Smith gets dragged into the head teachers office.The office will also the camera will go to black out and the door will then slam. We have chosen this office as it is along the corridor in which Miss Smith will be cornered into along with also be very close to other shooting locations so the travelling between shoots will be much smaller and further filming and perfection can be acquired.

Props list

This is a props list to take on shoots to ensure we have all the props in the correct scenes.
Props List New

Friday 11 February 2011


This is the final script for our film.
This had to be written so that the actors will know what they need to do when we come to filming so there will be no time wasted on having to decide exactly what they will say when we come to filming.